AI-Powered Market Analyzerto Empower Retail Traders

Competing with Big Players in the Market!Get Access to Our AI-Powered Market Analyzer Now and Unlock Profitable Trading Opportunities.
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Amazing Features at Your Fingertips

Discover the Exciting Features That Await You!

Market Dips

Analyze, understand, and capitalize on market dips with Diplyzer.

Monthly Market Dips Count

Monitor and analyze the frequency and patterns of market dips for informed investment decisions.

Dips Targets Achievement

Evaluate the performance of market dips, aligning your strategies for maximum gain.

Market Dips

Patterns Recognition

Automatically identify profitable stock Chart and Candlestick Patterns with AI-Powered detectors.

Chart Patterns Detection

Auto detect Chart Patterns in real-time using our AI-powered detectors

Candlestick Patterns Detection

Auto detect Candlestick Patterns for market entry and exit strategies.

Patterns Recognition

Insider Trading Analysis

Decode the secrets of the market with exclusive insights into insider trading.

Insider Net Flow: Buying & Selling

Gain a competitive edge by understanding insider buying and selling activities in your chosen stocks.

Senate Trading & Disclosures

Stay informed about stock transactions by government officials, leveraging unique insights for investment.

Insider Trading Analysis

Insights on Individual Transactions

Keep an eye on individual or institutional transactions and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Previous Transactions Visualization

Visualize individual or institutional transactions over time, with annotations on volume and date, for strategic planning.

Transactions Net Flow Analysis

Analyze the movement of assets by individual or institutional investors, understanding the net flow for insightful decision-making.

Insights on Individual Transactions

Market Sentiment

Grasp the trending social sentiment and its changes to anticipate market movements with Diplyzer's sentiment analytics.

Trending Social Sentiment Exploration

Stay connected with what's trending in social sentiment, leveraging public opinion for smarter investment choices.

Social Sentiment Change Analysis

Monitor and analyze shifts in social sentiment to forecast market trends and align your investment strategies accordingly.

Market Sentiment

Company Financials

Analyze liquidity, profitability, valuation, and more with ease.

Efficiency & Profitability Metrics

Assess company efficiency and profitability through comprehensive metrics and ratios.

Cash Flow & Leverage Ratios

Explore detailed cash flow and leverage ratios for insights into financial stability and risk .

Company Financials

Company Ratings

Leverage ratings, ESG scores, and more for a well-rounded investment approach.

Company Ratings & Piotroski F-Score

Evaluate companies using sophisticated ratings, including the renowned Piotroski F-Score.

Stock News & Fair Value Analysis

Stay abreast of stock news and trends, utilizing fair value analysis for intelligent investing.

Company Ratings

Sectors & Industries

Explore sector performance, P/E ratios, and more, for strategic investing.

Sectors Performance Analysis

Compare sectors and industries, uncovering opportunities and insights for smart investing.

Industries P/E Ratio Insights

Dive deep into industry performance with detailed P/E ratio analysis for strategic decision-making.

Sectors & Industries